Nutrolin® HIP & JOINT tahnan syonti


Olemme ensimmäisenä yrityksenä maailmassa onnistuneet tekemään kalaöljystä stabiilin tahnan, tarkemmin sanottuna oleogeelin. Näin kehitimme aktiivisesti vaikuttavan kantoaineen, johon pystymme lisäämään ravintoaineita, jotka eivät liukene öljyyn.

  • Nutrolin® GUT & FLORA
    Tukee vatsan hyvinvointia
  • Nutrolin® TEETH & GUMS
    Tukee suun terveyttä
  • Nutrolin® HIP & JOINT
    Tukee nivelterveyttä
Nutrolin® omegatahnat








Hevosen nivelrikko – Nutrolin® HORSE Joint Duo auttoi Ihanaa

Kun nuorella hevosella todetaan niverikko on vielä mahdollisuuksia saada tilanne hallintaan.

Siitostamma hyötyy oikeista omegoista

Nutrolin® HORSE Sport on monipuolinen rasvahappovalmiste, josta hyötyvät urheiluhevosten lisäksi myös siitostammat.

Nutrolin® SENIOR vastaa ikääntyvän koiran erityistarpeisiin

Kahdeksan vuotiaana koiraa voi alkaa kutsua senioriksi. Suuret koirat vanhenevat yleensä nopeammin kuin pienet, mutta kaikille koirille on yhteistä se, että ne voivat iän myötä väsyä ja muuttua jäykiksi.


Last summer, Nestori’s tail faced some tough challenges.Due to the pesky summer insects, he wore a rug in the pasture, but the tail flap was too heavy, and the mane hair got damaged. His skin also became rubbed raw, as any horse person knows how much friction the mane can cause to the coat."Nestori has been using Nutrolin® HORSE Joint Duo, and Nutrolin® HORSE Skin & Coat was added mid-summer to support his coat and skin with the right omegas," says his owner Jenni.Now, Nestori’s tail is in great shape again. 💚#Nutrolinlife #Nutrolin #Nutrolinhorses #häst #hevonen
WOOF, it’s Nutrolin® office dog Tino here! 🐾 They picked an old-timer like me to remind you that our HIP & JOINT paste has replaced the tablets and oil.I’ve been on the front lines of this change. The moment I tasted the paste, I gave it my official bark of approval. Absolutely de-li-cious!Here are three key things to remember:💚 The new HIP & JOINT paste is the same product as before—only the form has changed.💚 It comes in a tube, and the dosage is based on the chart on the side of the package. A stainless steel tube key is included.💚 Unlike the oil, the paste stays fresh at room temperature even after opening.Nutrolin® HIP & JOINT is the gold standard of joint supplements.Any furry friends out there who enjoy their daily dose of HIP & JOINT? 🤗#Nutrolin #NutrolinDogs #DogHealth #PetCare
It's that time of year again when the thick winter coat gives way to a sleek summer fur. 🐈Nutrolin® KITTEN & ADULT and Nutrolin® CAT SENIOR improve coat quality and support shedding. These supplements also give your cat’s fur a beautiful shine. 🤩What kind of seasonal shedders do you have at home? 🫶🏼
Let’s talk about shedding that thick winter coat! How’s your horse handling it?The shedding process can be surprisingly demanding for horses, and it's important to support them throughout it. Horses with summer dermatitis especially need extra help in early spring.A shiny summer coat is a result of care, not magic. Nutrolin® HORSE Skin & Coat provides the essential support your horse needs during shedding.📅 As spring approaches and hair is everywhere, make sure to stock up! Visit your nearest retailer today to keep your horse's coat healthy and vibrant.
Do you mix Nutrolin® with your cat’s food, or serve it directly? 🐈The flavor is the result of careful product development. We hope as many cats as possible will head to their bowl when they hear the Nutrolin® bell ring. 🤩#NutrolinCats #Nutrolin #CatHealth

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